Fall Retreat 2023

November 3-5 | By filling out this form you are registering your student for the Fall Retreat 2023.
Parent/Guardian Information

Please select all that apply.
Student #1

After you fill out each one of your students information there will be a payment option at the end of each one.  You can choose to pay with credit card or turn in cash/check make checks out to Crossroads Church of God.
Please select one option.
Additional Siblings

If you have 2 or more siblings going on the trip, fill out the information below if different than what is listed above for each sibling.
Sibling #2

Please select one option.
Sibling #3

Please select one option.
Sibling #4

Please select one option.
Participation Agreement

By typing your name below, the participant (or parent/guardian if participant is a minor) acknowledges and accepts the risks of physical injury associated with participation in the activity described above. Except for gross negligence on the part of the sponsor, the participant (or parent/guardian) accepts personal financial responsibility for any bodily or personal injury sustained during the activity. Further, the participant (or parent/guardian) promises to hold harmless the sponsoring organization and its representatives for any injury related to the activity. If dispute over this agreement or claim for damages arises, the participant (or parent/guardian) agrees to resolve the matter through a mutually acceptable arbitration process.


November 3-5
By filling out this form you are registering your student for the Fall Retreat 2023.